It is with deep sorrow, the Science Faculty Community records the demise of Rev. Fr. Dr. Guy de Fontgalland Rajendram. Rev. Fr. GF Ragendram had his Secondary Education at St. Michael’s College Batticaloa and received his M.Sc degree in Biology from Fordham University, New York in 1954 and PhD in Entomology from University of California, Berkeley in 1974. He also specialized in Philosophy. Re. Fr. Dr. Rajendram joined the Department of Zoology of the Jaffna Campus of the then University of Sri Lanka on 7/7/1979 as a Lecturer and promoted as Associate Professor on 21/01/1989. Being an entomologist he taught various aspects of entomology in addition to general aspects of Zoology to undergraduate and honours degree students in Zoology. He was a recipient of number of research grants from National Science Council of Sri Lanka and Natural Resources Energy and Science Authority of Sri Lanka. His major research focus was on insect physiology, biological control of insects and mosquitoes. He supervised number of MSc and MPhil students. He was awarded with number of scholarships including IRRI Research Scholarship, British Council Sabbatical award. He had a quasi-link research programme with University of Wales, Cardiff. He had published number of research articles in reputed journals and also served as Editor of Vingnanam-Journal of Science published by the Faculty of Science, University of Jaffna. He had been one of the pillars of the faculty of Science to serve the faculty and the student community during the most difficult time in Jaffna from 1990-1995. He was with the Department until October 1995 and then he left the University to take up the Vice-Chancellor position at the Eastern University of Sri Lanka in November 1995. Whilst the Faculty of Science fondly remembers his services, prays for his eternal rest!