Miss.N.Ratnasabapathy [Senior Lecturer (Grade I)]
Contact: rngowry4@gmail.com
Room No , Second floor, NSB II building
B.Sc. Honours degree (University of Jaffna)
M.Phil (University of Jaffna)
I teach Animal phylogeny and biology, Animal ecology, Animal genetics, Economic zoology, Insect pest biology and Pest management, Coastal management for undergraduates.
Senior Treasurer of the Zoological Student Association (ZSA) of the Department of Zoology – 2022 onwards
Coordinator, for Applied Science Degree Programme (Biology) (from 2015 to 2023)
Vice President – USTA ( 2008)
Joint Secretary –USTA (2005)
Secretary (JSA,Sect. A) (2008)
Editor (JSA,Sect.A) (2006 & 2007)
Academic Course Advisor (2005)
Student Counselor (1999)
Membership in professional organizations:
Member, Institute of Biology, Sri Lanka
Member of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, Sri Lanka
Member of Jaffna Science Association, Jaffna, Sri Lanka
Member of Jaffna Entomological Society
Nithiyagowry R and Thulashi K. 2023. Effect of Methanol Leaf Extract of Nishinda, Vitex negundo on the Development of Ovary of Rice Weevil, Sitophilus Oryzae. Vingnanam Journal of Science, Vol. 18 (2).
Arani,Y. and Nithiyagowry R. 2023. Antifeedant effect of leaf extract of Citrus aurantifolia on larvae of Diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.) laboratory condition. Proceedings of Jaffna Science Association,Vol. 29.No.1:19.
Kokularathai,S and Nithiyagowry R. 2023. The preliminary study on effectiveness of different vermiproducts to reduce the pest activity and to promote the yield of brinjal. Third Research Symposium for Biological Science Students-2023:19.
Arani Y and Nithiyagowry R .2021. Study on bioactivity of lime, Citrus aurantifolia (Christm.) against larvae of Diamond back moth, Plutella xylostella (L.) on cabbage crop under
Arani,Y and Nithiyagowry R, 2020. Larvicidal activity of leaf extract of lime (Citrus aurantifolia(Christ.)Swingle) and synthetic pesticide Spinosad against Diamond back moth, Plutella xylostellaL.(Leidoptera:Plutellidae) on cabbage. Proceedings of 6 International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture (ICDA 2020):72.
Nithiyagowry R, Chaturica Thilini Ratnayake, 2019. Insecticidal efficacy of leaf extract of some medicinal plants on adult mortality and adult emergence of rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) . International Journal of Entomology Research. 4 (6) ; 40-44.
Nithiyagowry R and Bremavanitha S., 2018. Efficacy of vermiwash, neem extracts and commercial pesticide on brijal plant (Solanum melonogena L.) in Jaffna, Sri Lanka. Proceeding of the 5th International Conference on Agriculture and Forestry:16.
Nithiyagowry R, 2017. Screening of leaf extract of five medicinal plants on the control of rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae L. (Coleoptera : Curculionidae) ). Fourth International conference on Agriculture and Forestry,TIIKM,Colombo,Sri Lanka:29.
Nithiyagowry R, 2015. Orientational effect of aqueous leaf extract of Citrus aurantifolia (Lime) on housefly,Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae). Proceedings of the Second International conference on Agriculture and Forestry.Vol. pp. 90-94.
Nithiyagowry R, 2011. Comparative study on the effect of neem seed kernel extract and synthetic pesticide, Phenthoate against Jassids, Amrasca biguttula Ishida on brinjal. International symposium on natural products and their applications in health and agriculture, IFS-AFASSA, Kandy ,Sri Lanka:55.
Nithiyagowry R and Anuratha K, 2011. Efficacy of leaf extract of Citrus aurantifolia (christm) against pulse beetle Callosobruchus chinensis (L.) on green gram seeds. International symposium on natural products and their applications in health and agriculture, IFS-AFASSA, Kandy ,Sri Lanka:83.
Kumaravel T & Nithiyagowry R ,2010. Preliminary studies on insecticidal activity of methanolic leaf extracts of Vitex negundo Linnaeus and Citrus aurantifolia Christm. Against rice weevil Sitophilus oryzae Linnaeus. (Coleoptera :Bruchidae). Third International Symposium of Sabragamuga University, Sri Lanka, 2010: 169.
Nithiyagowry R ,2016. Efficacy of different leaf formulations from five medicinal plants against rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae (L.) ( Coleoptera: Curculiodinae). Proceedings of 71 st Annual Session of Sri Lankan Association for the Advancement of Science:61.
Nithiyagowry R ,2015. Efficacy of different leaf formulations from five medicinal plants against rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae (L.) ( Coleoptera: Curculiodinae). Proceedings of 71 stAnnual Session of Sri Lankan Association for the Advancement of Science:61.
Mathanarajah,S. & Nithiyagowry R, 2013. Repellent efficacy of aqueous neem leaf extract on housefly, Musca domestica (Diptera:Muscidae). Proceedings of 69th Annual session of SriLankan Assocituion for the Advancement of Science:120.
Mathanarajah,S. & Nithiyagowry R, 2012. Efficacy of aqueous neem leaf extract on housefly, Musca domestica (Diptera:Muscidae). Proceedings of 68th Annual session of SriLankan Assocituion for the Advancement of Science.
Nithiyagowry Rajan 2010. Comparison of aqueous neem seed kernel extract and synthetic pesticide, Phenthoate against Whitefly, Bemisia tabaci on Brinjal. Proceedings of 66 th Annual session of SriLankan Assocituion for the Advancement of Science:74.
Kanthakumar,N & Nithiyagowry Rajan 2009. Preliminary study on the contact effect of neem leaf extract on leafminer,Liriomyza sativae Blanchard(Diptera :Agromyzidae) infesting tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) in Jaffna, Sri Lanka.Proceedings of Jaffna Science Association. Eighth Annual Session (Abstract).
Yalini,C. & Nithiyagowry Rajan 2009. Effect of aqueous neem (Azadirachta indica) leaf extract on development of ovary of rice weevil Sitophilus oryzae Linnaeus. Proceedings of Jaffna Science Association. Eighth Annual Session (Abstract).
Nithiyagowry Rajan, 2008. Effect of storage of neem seed on oviposition and adult emergence of Callosobruchus chinensis (L.) (Coleoptera:Bruchidae) attacking green gram . Proceedings of Jaffna Science Association.
Manivathani, M. & Nithiyagowry Ratnasabapathy. 2007. Distinguishing larval instars of leaf miner, Liriomyzae sativae infesting tomato. Proceedings of SriLankan Assocituion for the Advancement of Science
Nithiyagowry Ratnasabapathy,2006. The study of duration of effevtiveness of neem seed oil against Callosobruchus chinensis (Coleoptera:Bruchidae) on green gram seeds. Proceedings of SriLankan Assocituion for the Advancement of Science:192.
Nithiyagowry Ratnasabapathy and Ganesalingam,V.K., 2000. A study on the effect of aqueous neem seed kernel extract on post embryonic development of Tiger mosquito, Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) : Proceedings of Jaffna Science Association 04.
Nithiyagowry Ratnasabapathy and Ganesalingam,V.K., 1999. Larvicidal activity of aqueous neem seed extract on the larvae of Aedes aegypti : Proceedings of Jaffna Science Association 03.
Nithiyagowry Ratnasabapathy and Ganesalingam,V.K., 1998. A study on the effect of neem seed oil on green gram seeds against Callosobruchus chinensis (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) Proceedings of Jaffna Science Association 01.
Nithiyagowry Ratnasabapathy and Ganesalingam,V.K., 1994. The effect of neem seed kernel extract on the larvae of cabbage borer, Hellula undalis. Proceedings of Jaffna Science Association : 01.
Nithiyagowry Ratnasabapathy and Ganesalingam,V.K., 1993. The preliminary study on the use of neem, Azadirachta indica (L.) seed kernel extract as an insect pest control agent. Proceedings of Jaffna Science Association:15.
I’m interested in Entomology. My research focus on behaviour and management of insect pests using botanicals and vermiproducts. Pest biology, insect physiology, and stored product pests. I’m currently working on the study of anti-insect activity of medicinal plants in Jaffna for the management of vegetable and stored product pests.
Research- Grants and other services
University of Jaffna Research Grant – Rs. 230.000/=
Title “study of anti insect activity of medicinal plants in Jaffna for the management of insect pests”